Continued from A1...
“Modern” Science is a failed concept in that in order for it to produce the results it desires it needs to first remove the object it is studying from the natural environment. It has to produce a “controlled” environment to isolate and control all entities involved within the study. By removing the object from the natural environment the scientist can then manipulate and control all aspects to produce the results they wish, but remove the object from the controlled environment and all results are inconsistent. Based on Foucault’s Theory of Power, as long as the subject is aware it is being observed or has the illusion it is being observed it will not act in a 100% organic form. It will self-manipulate and perform in a way it assumes is required by the observer. This ultimately leads to the understanding that all psychology and sciences performed within a lab or controlled study will produce flawed results. i.e. why scientist can’t understand quantum psychics. Or maybe it’s because last time God revealed the Atom to a scientist they turned around and created the Atomic Bomb, an object which can completely annihilate all living creatures and has produced a constant state of fear and anxiety. God doesn’t want us to observe all that which it possesses because every time it allows us to observe it, we turn around and create destruction.