Continued from A1...
A resident of a neighborhood has been walking to their local coffee shop daily for the last 10 years. Within the coffee shop there are 5 workers, one worker has been there for 8 years and knows the resident by name. The other 4 workers are relatively new and have yet to interact with the resident beyond the normal interaction when ordering a coffee. If the resident enters into the coffee shop with their view rooted in ego, eg: “I’m a local” or allows their ego to view themselves as having more of a claim to the coffee shop, then the resident will create suffering for themselves and others. If the resident understands that in the eye of each worker they are perceived as a different entity then the resident resides in emptiness and peaceful mind. As the resident understands that each person will have a different view and different perception of them. This allows the resident to be empty of ego, emptiness, which allows the resident the freedom to be any form they may achieve within the moments spent within the coffee shop.
Emptiness is form.