System Theory

Continued from A1...

     Example 1: Picture two flowers in your mind. One flower is flawed and not fully bloomed. The other flower is the definition of perfect.

     Now, we need you to understand that what you are picturing are not “flowers”, but only the physical object which we collectively agreed to call a “flower.” No other species on this planet calls this object a “flower”. More importantly, this object is the product of a system that has completed 365 days of compounded growth. Sun, wind, soil, water, microorganism, photosynthesis; all of it goes into this object. All compounded, daily, in order to produce this object which we call a “flower”. If you remove or limit a single item within the system, what emerges is the flawed flower. If everything is balanced, then the object that emerges is the perfect flower as humans see it.


     Example 2: Cows grazing in a field of grass.

     Positive System: Free range cow takes a bite on an open field. Roots trigger growth and blade grows back healthier and stronger.

     Negative System: An overcrowded range or a confined space causes cows to take more than one bite in the same area over multiple times a day. This overconsumption produces root failure and leads to the grasses inability to recover and ultimately dies. Thus the cows no longer have a sustained source of food and suffer from malnutrition.

Cow eats grass --> Cows body processes grass and turns into muscle --> Cow is butchered --> Meat is eaten by human --> Humans body digest and feeds a growing child inside --> Child’s body turns this into muscle --> Child becomes an adult and dies --> Body decomposes and feeds the soil --> Soil feeds the roots --> Roots grow blades of grass --> Cow eats --> System Repeats.

     The system is dependent on each other, when out of balance that system fails and produces a negative result. Remove any individual piece and you receive a negative result. Look at the flaw(s) the Covid shut down has shown us, after months off workers are deciding not to return to the overwork and underpaid jobs. Seeking better and more fulfilling employment. We are the most powerful group on this earth. The minds and bodies which power the world. When we decide to stop and walk away, the system will collapse as no system can sustain itself with a single piece removed or overstressed. The systems only option is to import new workers who will work those underpaid and overworked jobs. For example, the immigration act of 1965, the Dreamers act, and Biden’s 8 years to citizenship plan. This is further demonstrated with China currently extending the retirement age due to lower birth rates, the current Covid baby bust, and the child tax credits of post-WW2. The US system is currently failing due to a population which can not find full-filled paying jobs, leading to a decline in child births. For years the US worker has been forced to take low paying and low skilled jobs, ultimately leading to debt (Serfdom), and the system can no longer sustain itself with this current structure.

     Negative systems produce exploitation and extraction of value with a decline in lifestyles soon following (2020, am i right?!?). Positive systems produce opportunities. Our current system is designed, like all before it, to produce negative results which lead to a collapse of society. (I.E. Yolo thinking, kicking the can down the road or the race to the bottom, which has taken place since the 50’s.) Producing misery and wide spread poverty, suffering, and allowing the ones in charge to consolidate wealth and pit us against each other.


     The “American Dream (System)” is not materialistic. The American dream has and always will be about opportunity. The opportunity to come here with nothing but the few possessions you have and getting to work doing what you did back home. Putting your child through school, so they can climb to the next rung on the ladder. Then every generation after them can climb another rung. Over time this dream of opportunity and success was replaced with empty minded consumption and credit debt. We have seen a decline in our education system. The educational decline has led to a loss in high paying jobs. The loss of high paying jobs has led to a rise in poverty. Poverty leads to the inability to provide healthy food to a family. The loss of healthy food has resulted in Diabetes, obesity, and rise of cancer(s). This all results in an increase in healthcare cost and a lower quality of life for the American Citizen.


They’ve stolen our livelihoods, and they’ve paved paradise and put up a parking lot.