Consolidation of Power (Executive Branch).

Continued from A1...

     We no longer vote for a president. The power of the executive order began with Obama’s gun bill side stepping congress and set precedent. Allowing Trump to move rapidly and swiftly, advancing agenda(s) that was only vetoed by the judicial branch. The day Biden took office he used the executive order to undo many of Trump’s orders. So I ask you, if the President can simply sign an executive order to pass laws that side step the legislative branch, what’s the point of having a legislative branch at all? If the President can order a military strike against a foreign nation without approval of Congress, what’s the point of having Congress? Are the checks and balances set forth in the constitution void now? If power is so consolidated within The Oval Office, does that mean we are no longer a democracy and we now vote for short-term dictators? If that’s the case, what happens when we get a president in there who knows the capabilities of their powers? Trump had the power to launch a strike at any moment. To sign any law he wished, as long as the judicial branch didn’t veto it. We the people of this world got lucky that all he wanted was money and status. Trump spending his presidency packing the judicial branch with republican judges and this consolidation of power within the executive branch, means if and when a republican president is elected again, they will be able to pass any law they wish as long as the judicial branch will uphold it. The executive branch must be stripped of the powers which have been consolidated within it over the last 50 plus years.