Back To Life, Back To Reality.

Continued from A1...

     Based on statistics alone, there are many different “realities” in which we all live. Some people believe they will be reincarnated once they die. Others believe that the psychical world was created in seven literal days. Some believe there will be an Armageddon. Some believe they are the “chosen people” (as if a God who created every being in his image would choose one over the other). Within these beliefs there are uncountable amounts of smaller segments which believe various other things. The problem with these “true believers” is there are no objective facts to support their claims. They have no evidence except the word of man to confirm their beliefs. They simply believe it because they were told to. They simply believe it because they choose to. Within these various beliefs we can find an infinite amount of realities. Therefore, the only thing that roots all of us in the same reality is Objective Facts. We can all agree on objective facts: water is wet, the sky is blue, a wheel is round, that is a dress, that is a car, you are alive, you are dead, that is a dog, this is up and that is down, this is left and that is right, this is right and that is wrong. We collectively agree on these facts to be universal.

     The average American takes 2-3 flights a year. The average American used to have no clue what took place beyond the limits of their town because they never left it. The average American used to be exposed to only what they saw in their hometown, and then what they heard on the radio, and then what they watched on TV and in movies. The average American is so compounded in their “reality” that the 24h nonstop exposure to different realities via the internet and social media are forcing them to re-evaluate their beliefs. It’s forcing them into a constant state of culture shock, a constant re-evaluation and confrontation with their core values and foundational beliefs. How does one act when their foundations shatter? How does one react to their beliefs being proven wrong? How does one react to being told everything they thought was correct is actually incorrect? How does one react to losing their illusion of “self” on a daily basis? How does one react when having to confront how others see them and how others have viewed them is in fact the polar opposite of how they have viewed themselves their entire lives? How does one react when they realize their government doesn’t care for them? How does one react when they are forced to face the reality which others have known for a long long time? How does one react when they are told the ‘real world’ stands in polar opposite in what they’ve believe? We believe based on the temperature of current American society that people are not reacting well. We need to set the objective facts. We need to build the foundation that we can all stand on again and rebuild a civil society rooted in objective facts and logic. Allowing everyone to “live their truth” is great until their “truth” clashes with their neighbors “truth,” because everyone has their own “truth”.

     Is the dress blue or white? That is an opinion and based upon the lightening in which the dress was photographed. WE can objectively state that the object is a dress, because that is the term we all have agreed upon to call that object. This is the ground. That is the sky. That is a cloud. That is a table. Objective facts agreed upon across all borders and religious beliefs.

     Do not try to bend the spoon, that’s impossible. Rather realize there is no spoon——> do not argue over the dress being blue or white. Rather realize that it does not matter and is a complete waste of time and energy to give a second thought to it.