What is observed is recorded. What is recorded is retold.
What is retold is altered with every telling.
With every telling, what is observed becomes hidden.
Overtime the observation of reality becomes hidden again due to the retelling.
In order for the observation to stay present and correctly observed, it must be continually observed and it must be observed before one can understand what truly is occurring. A second hand account is only as good as the two who came before and a third hand account is to be viewed as false until correctly observed without preconceived notions of what one is observing. Otherwise, what is observed will never be observed again, but rather diluted and hidden over time until a new figure emerges to observe the process and record it free of influence from previous teaching and misunderstandings. Everything you hear is a 1/4 or less true, everything you see is 1/2 true, due to you having a preconceived notion of what you are witnessing. Only until you are free of prejudice and past stories that you have been told, can you truly see reality.