8:15, Augustus Cesar, Romes greatest king was handed the throne from his Uncle, Julius. The closest relationship held within the tradition of our species is that between the father and the son. The son is the legacy, you spend your life building a “kingdom”, of knowledge, and material possesions, to hand down and pass on the legacy of you and your name. So when Jesus said he was the son of God, do you think he literally meant he was the son of God, or do you think he meant it in the philosophical sense? Jesus’s relationship to god was that in which a father (God) gave the lessons and teachings to their son (Jesus). In order for Jesus to receive these teachings he had to have his “Awakening”, as we have come to term it, and this moment came to Jesus in the form of a baptism, similar to Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree. At that moment, Jesus gained enlightenment and received direct teachings from God to teach these lessons to the other children (humans), that occupy this world to help them achieve the same enlightenment he received. The kingdom of God is not to be handed down from father to a single child, but all humans are to inherit this kingdom. Once we remove the illusion of one king, one son of God, one anointed group to rule over all, that’s when we can all use the power of God, which lies within us, to create heaven on earth. We, as a species, will finally come to know good from evil, learn the lesson which was given to us the moment “the apple” was bit and return to the garden to enjoy this creation which we have come to call “earth” and the “universe”.