Social Security 2.0.

Continued from A1...

     At birth the Government will establish two accounts for every citizen. These two accounts will be based similarly to a ROTH IRA. The first account will be available to be withdrawn at the age of 25 and will allow the citizen to have a down payment on their first home or start a business. The second account will be available to be withdrawn when the citizen reaches retirement age, currently 65. Each account will be taxed at 0% when withdrawn. Each account will be open to private contributions from family allowing the citizen to build their own safety net that they can use to start their life and support themselves after retirement.

     These two separate accounts will be invested into mutual funds, based on the current average return rate of 7% and including annual compound interest. These two accounts will replace the current Social Security system. We project returns of:

25 years
Initial investment: $10,000
7% annual compound interest
Total: $54,274.33
65 years
Initial investment: $10,000
7% annual compound interest
Total: $812,728.61

     Society is a system not a machine. Modern society is an abstract concept and can be designed to produce any outcome we wish. We must establish a healthy and stable society to ensure a productive economy which produces advancements and innovations for society.